Getting ready for school
If your child is due to start school in the following September, they are referred to as being in the 'Pre-School Year' at nursery. During the Summer Term, the pre-school children will be involved in a number of transition activities. These will include circle time discussions and preparations within the nursery setting along with visits to school.
Preparing to start Wheatfields Primary School
Children will visit Wheatfields Primary School once or twice a week with the nursery staff during the summer term. They visit the library, walk around parts of the school, play games in the school hall and visit the classrooms.
Parents and carers receive a letter from the school inviting them to attend a 'New Parents Meeting'. During this meeting, you will find out which teacher your child will have, you can sample school meals, look at school uniform and find out other information.
Children will be invited to visit their Reception class to meet the teacher and explore their new classroom and learning environment.
Reception teachers visit the children in the nursery setting towards the end of the summer term.
Your child's Reception teacher will visit you and your child at home in September before your child starts school. You will be allocated a time and date which will be given to you in the information pack during the New Parents Meeting.
The nursery is hoping to transfer over to school management in the Autumn Term of 2020 - so integration with the school will hopefully increase and transition arrangements improve further.